A3PS | A3PS | Vienna | A-1220 | Austria | | |
Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, L'Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (ENEA) | Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, L'Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (ENEA) | Rome | 00196 | Italy | | |
Argonne National Laboratory | Argonne National Laboratory | Argonne | 60439 | USA | | |
Austrian Energy Agency (E.V.A) | Austrian Energy Agency (E.V.A) | Vienna | A-1150 | Austria | | |
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) | Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) | Tokyo | 100-8126 | Japan | | |
Ceramic Fuel Cells Ltd (CFCL) | Ceramic Fuel Cells Ltd (CFCL) | Heinsberg | 52525 | Germany | | |
Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) | Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) | Fonteany-aux-roses | 92265 | France | | |
Dantherm Power | Dantherm Power | Hobro | 9500 | Denmark | System | Micro-CHP and UPS (SOFC/PEFC) |
Department of Energy (DOE) | Department of Energy (DOE) | Washington D.C. | 20585 | USA | | |
Doosan Heavy Industry | Doosan Heavy Industry | Gyeongnam | 137-920 | Korea | Stack/system | Distributed Power (MCFC) |
Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland (ECN) | Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland (ECN) | Petten | 1755 | Netherlands | | |
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) | Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) | Palo Alto | 94304 | USA | | |
eZelleron GmbH | eZelleron GmbH | Dresden | 01277 | Germany | System | Transportation/portable |
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Jülich | 52428 | Germany | Stack/system | Stationary/transportation/portable (SOFC/PEFC) |
Fraunhofer Institut Chemische Technologien (ICT) | Fraunhofer Institut Chemische Technologien (ICT) | Pfinztal | 76327 | Germany | | |
FuelCell Energy | FuelCell Energy | Danbury | 06813 | USA | System | Large stationary power (MCFC) |
GDF Suez | GDF Suez | Houston | 77056 | USA | | |
Grontmij AB | Grontmij AB | De Bilt | 3730 | Sweden | | |
H2 Logic | H2 Logic | Herning | 7400 | Denmark | | |
Haldor Topsoe A/S | Haldor Topsoe A/S | Lyngby | 2800 | Denmark | Components and stack | SOEC - electrolysis |
Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) | Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) | Helsinki | 02015 | Finland | | |
Hyundai Motor Company | Hyundai Motor Company | Seoul | 135-847 | Korea | | |
Institut FC Lab, Université de technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard | Institut FC Lab, Université de technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard | Belfort | 90010 | France | | |
Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l'Energia "Nicola Giordano" (ITAE) | Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l'Energia "Nicola Giordano" (ITAE) | Messina | 98126 | Italy | | |
Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IEE) | Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IEE) | Morelos | 62490 | Mexico | | |
Intertek Semko | Intertek Semko | Kista | 164 22 | Sweden | | |
IRD Fuel Cell Technology Research Centre A/S | IRD Fuel Cell Technology Research Centre A/S | Svendborg | 5700 | Denmark | | |
Korea Electric Power Research Institute (KEPRI) | Korea Electric Power Research Institute (KEPRI) | Daejeon | 305-760 | Korea | | |
Korea Institute for Science and Technology (KIST) | Korea Institute for Science and Technology (KIST) | Seoul | 136-791 | Korea | | |
Korean Institute for Energy and Research (KIER) | Korean Institute for Energy and Research (KIER) | Daejeon | 305-343 | Korea | | |
Lund Institute of Technology | Lund Institute of Technology | Lund | 221 00 | Sweden | | |
MTU Aero Engines | MTU Aero Engines | München | 80995 | Germany | | |
National Energy Technology Lab (NETL) | National Energy Technology Lab (NETL) | Pittsburgh | 15236 | USA | | |
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) | National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) | Tokyo | 100-8921 | Japan | | |
Panasonic | Panasonic | Osaka | 571-8501 | Japan | System | Stationary (PEFC) |
POSCO Energy | POSCO Energy | Seoul | 135-933 | Korea | Stack/system | Distributed Power/APU for Ship (MCFC) |
PowerCell | PowerCell | Göteborg | 418 34 | Sweden | Stack/system | Back-up power, powerpacks and APU for trucks (PEFC and diesel reformer) |
Renz Beratung | Renz Beratung | Basel | 4051 | Switzerland | | |
DTU Nationallaboratoriet for Bæredygtig Energi | DTU Nationallaboratoriet for Bæredygtig Energi | Roskilde | 4000 | Denmark | | |
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) | Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) | Stockholm | 100 44 | Sweden | | |
Technische Universität Graz | Technische Universität Graz | Graz | 8010 | Austria | | |
Technova Inc | Technova Inc | Tokyo | 100-0011 | Japan | | |
The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNL) | The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNL) | Richland | 99352 | USA | | |
Toyota Motor Company | Toyota Motor Company | Toyota City | 471-8571 | Japan | | |
University of Yamanashi | University of Yamanashi | Kofu | 400-8510 | Japan | | |
Volvo AB | Volvo AB | Gotheburgh | 405 08 | Sweden | | |
VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland | VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland | Espoo | FI-02044 | Finland | | |
Wärtsilä | Wärtsilä | Helsinki | 00531 | Finland | | |
Zentrum für Sonnenenergie und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) | Zentrum für Sonnenenergie und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) | Ulm | 89081 | Germany | | |
AVL | AVL | Graz | 8020 | Austria | Cell/stack/system | Automotive powertrains, SOFC, mobile applications for PEFC |
Fronius | Fronius | Pettenbach | 4643 | Austria | Stack/system | Electrolysis, fork-lift, home energy system |
Magna Steyr | Magna Steyr | Vienna | 1120 | Austria | Storage | Automotive |
OMV | OMV | Vienna | 1020 | Austria | Fuelling | Hydrogen filling stations, operator |
Plansee | Plansee | Reutte | 6600 | Austria | Cell/stack | Component manufacturer |
Danish Power Systems | Danish Power Systems | Kvistgård | 3490 | Denmark | Stack components | All applications for high temperature PEFC |
H2 Logic A/S | H2 Logic A/S | Herning | 7400 | Denmark | Stack/system/refuelling | Material handling vehicles (PEFC) and gaseous hydrogen filling tanks (35 - 70MPa) |
IRD A/S | IRD A/S | Svendborg | 5700 | Denmark | Stack/system | Micro-CHP units, UPS, refuelling across PEFC and DMFC |
SerEnergy | SerEnergy | Aalborg | 9000 | Denmark | Components/stack/system | Backup power, APU, auxiliary vehicles and automotive (PEFC) |
Dantherm Power | Dantherm Power | Hobro | 9500 | Denmark | System | Micro-CHP and UPS (SOFC/PEFC) |
Topsoe Fuel Cell | Topsoe Fuel Cell | Lyngby | 2800 | Denmark | Stack | Micro-CHP and APU (SOFC) |
Convion Oy | Convion Oy | Espoo | 02150 | Finland | System | Stationary SOFC |
Elcogen Oy | Elcogen Oy | Vantaa | 01510 | Finland | Single cells and stacks | Stationary SOFC |
Oy Woikoski Ab | Oy Woikoski Ab | Voikoski | 52020 | Finland | Hydrogen production and filling stations | Hydrogen refuelling stations |
T Control Oy | T Control Oy | Pori | 28610 | Finland | Integrated modules | Back-up power and UPS (PEFC hydrogen and methanol) |
Fitelnet Oy | Fitelnet Oy | Vantaa | 01400 | Finland | Integrated modules | Back-up power, military and UPS (PEFC and methanol) |
Areva | Areva | Paris | 75442 | France | System | Grid stabilisation/emergency back-up systems (PEFC) |
Axane (Air Liquide subsidiary) | Axane (Air Liquide subsidiary) | Sassenage | 38360 | France | System | Clean and autonomous power supply for off-grid sites (PEFC) |
PaxiTech | PaxiTech | Echirolles | 38130 | France | Cell/stack/system | Portable power (PEFC) |
Pragma Industries | Pragma Industries | Biarritz | 64200 | France | Stack/storage | Portable tools (PEFC) |
HyPulsion (GV Axane/PlugPower) | HyPulsion (GV Axane/PlugPower) | Sassenage | 38360 | France | System | Integrated Fuel cells systems for fork-lift trucks (PEFC) |
SymbioFCell | SymbioFCell | Paris | 75017 | France | System | Integrated fuel cells systems for Range Extenders (5kW) and Full Power heavy duty vehicles (20 - 300kW) (PEFC) |
balticFuelCells GmbH | balticFuelCells GmbH | Schwerin | 19061 | Germany | Stack/system | Stationary/transportation/portable (PEFC) |
BASF SE | BASF SE | Ludwigshafen | 67063 | Germany | Stack (MEA) | PEFC |
BAXI INNOTECH GmbH | BAXI INNOTECH GmbH | Hamburg | 20539 | Germany | System | Stationary (PEFC) |
Ceramic Fuel Cells GmbH | Ceramic Fuel Cells GmbH | Heinsberg | 52525 | Germany | Stack/System | Stationary (SOFC) |
Daimler AG | Daimler AG | Stuttgart | 70546 | Germany | Stack/system (FCV) | Transportation (PEFC) |
DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik GmbH | DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik GmbH | Leipzig | 04229 | Germany | System | Stationary |
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), ITT | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), ITT | Stuttgart | 70569 | Germany | Stack/system | Stationary/transportation (PEFC/SOFC) |
EBZ GmbH Fuel Cells & Process Technology | EBZ GmbH Fuel Cells & Process Technology | Dresden | 01307 | Germany | System | Stationary/transportation (SOFC) |
Eisenhuth GmbH & Co. KG | Eisenhuth GmbH & Co. KG | Osterode am Harz | 37520 | Germany | Stack (BPP) | |
Elcore GmbH | Elcore GmbH | München | 81737 | Germany | System | Stationary (PEFC) |
EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG | EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG | Karlsruhe | 76131 | Germany | System (utility) | Stationary |
E.ON Ruhrgas AG | E.ON Ruhrgas AG | Düsseldorf | 40479 | Germany | System (utility) | Stationary |
EWE AG | EWE AG | Oldenburg | 26129 | Germany | System (utility) | Stationary |
eZelleron GmbH | eZelleron GmbH | Dresden | 01277 | Germany | System | Transportation/portable |
FCPower Fuel Cell Power Systems GmbH | FCPower Fuel Cell Power Systems GmbH | Aachen | 52070 | Germany | System | Stationary (PEFC) |
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Jülich | 52428 | Germany | Stack/system | Stationary/transportation/portable (SOFC/PEFC) |
Fraunhofer ICT - IMM | Fraunhofer ICT - IMM | Mainz | 55129 | Germany | System (fuel processor) | |
Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme IKTS | Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme IKTS | Dresden | 01277 | Germany | Stack/system | Stationary/portable (SOFC/PEFC) |
Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE | Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE | Freiburg | 79110 | Germany | Stacks/system | Transportation/portable (PEFC) |
Fraunhofer-Institut für Chemische Technologie ICT | Fraunhofer-Institut für Chemische Technologie ICT | Pfinztal | 76327 | Germany | Stacks/system | Transportation/portable (AFC/PEFC) |
Freudenberg FCCT KG | Freudenberg FCCT KG | Weinheim | D-69465 | Germany | Stack (components) | |
FuMA-Tech GmbH | FuMA-Tech GmbH | Bietigheim-Bissingen | 74321 | Germany | Stack (membranes) | |
FutureE Fuel Cell Solutions GmbH | FutureE Fuel Cell Solutions GmbH | Wendlingen am Neckar | 73240 | Germany | System | Stationary power (PEFC) |
FuelCell Energy Solutions GmbH | FuelCell Energy Solutions GmbH | Dresden | 01277 | Germany | Stack/system | Stationary (MCFC) |
FuelCon AG | FuelCon AG | Magdeburg-Barleben | 39179 | Germany | System | PEFC/SOFC |
Heliocentris Academia GmbH | Heliocentris Academia GmbH | Berlin | 12489 | Germany | System | Stationary |
HIAT gGmbH, Hydrogen and Informatics Institute of Applied Technologies | HIAT gGmbH, Hydrogen and Informatics Institute of Applied Technologies | Schwerin | 19061 | Germany | Stack (components) | PEFC |
Hüttenberger Produktionstechnik Martin GmbH | Hüttenberger Produktionstechnik Martin GmbH | Langgöns | 35428 | Germany | Stack (components) | Portable (PEFC) |
New enerday GmbH | New enerday GmbH | Neubrandenburg | 17033 | Germany | System | Stationary/Transportation/Portable (SOFC) |
NEXT ENERGY EWE-Forschungszentrum für Energietechnologie e.V. | NEXT ENERGY EWE-Forschungszentrum für Energietechnologie e.V. | Oldenburg | 26129 | Germany | Stack/system | Stationary/transportation (PEFC) |
Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH | Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH | Puchheim | 82178 | Germany | Stack/system | Stationary/Transportation (PEFC) |
Riesaer Brennstoffzellentechnik GmbH | Riesaer Brennstoffzellentechnik GmbH | Glaubitz | 01612 | Germany | Stack/system | Stationary (PEFC) |
SFC Energy AG | SFC Energy AG | Brunnthal | 85649 | Germany | Stacks/system | Portable (PEFC) |
Schunk Bahn- und Industrietechnik GmbH | Schunk Bahn- und Industrietechnik GmbH | Heilbronn | | Austria | Stacks/system | Portable (PEFC) |
Sunfire GmbH | Sunfire GmbH | Dresden | 01237 | Germany | Stacks/system | Stationary (SOFC) |
Truma Gerätetechnik GmbH & Co. KG | Truma Gerätetechnik GmbH & Co. KG | Putzbrunn | 85640 | Germany | System | Portable (PEFC) |
Ulmer Brennstoffzellen Manufaktur GmbH | Ulmer Brennstoffzellen Manufaktur GmbH | Ulm | 89077 | Germany | Stacks/system | Stationary/Transportation (PEFC) |
Vaillant Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG | Vaillant Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG | Remscheid | 42859 | Germany | System | Stationary (SOFC) |
Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co. KG | Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co. KG | Allendorf (Eder) | 35108 | Germany | System | Stationary (PEFC) |
VNG-Verbundnetz Gas AG | VNG-Verbundnetz Gas AG | Leipzig | 04347 | Germany | System | Stationary |
WS Reformer GmbH | WS Reformer GmbH | Renningen | 71272 | Germany | System (fuel processor) | |
Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) | Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) | Ulm | 89081 | Germany | Stacks/system | Stationary/Transportation/Portable (PEFC) |
ZBT GmbH | ZBT GmbH | Duisburg | 47057 | Germany | Stacks/system | Stationary/Transportation/Portable (PEFC) |
Electropower system | Electropower system | Moncalieri | 10024 | Italy | Stack/system | Back-up power, remote areas application, stand-alone systems (PEFC) |
Dolomitech | Dolomitech | Villa-agnedo | 38059 | Italy | System | Transport application - hydrogen and fuel cell minibuses (PEFC) |
GENPORT | GENPORT | Lomagna | 23871 | Italy | System | Portable (PEFC) |
Aquafairy/Rohm | Aquafairy/Rohm | Kyoto | 615-8245 | Japan | System | Portable (PEFC) |
Iwatani | Iwatani | Tokyo/Osaka | 105-8458/541-0053 | Japan | System | Portable (SOFC) |
Mitsubishi Gas Chemical | Mitsubishi Gas Chemical | Tokyo | 100-8324 | Japan | System | Portable (DMFC) |
Fujikura | Fujikura | Tokyo | 135-0063 | Japan | System | Portable, APU (DMFC) |
IHI Aerospace | IHI Aerospace | Tokyo | 135- 0061 | Japan | System | APU (PEFC) |
Suzuki Motor | Suzuki Motor | Shizuoka | 432-8611 | Japan | System | Transport (PEFC) |
Daihatsu Motor | Daihatsu Motor | Osaka | 563-8651 | Japan | System | Transport (AFC) |
Nissan Motor | Nissan Motor | Kanagawa | 220-8686 | Japan | System | Transport (PEFC) |
Honda Motor | Honda Motor | Tokyo | 107-8556 | Japan | System | Transport and stationary (PEFC/SOFC) |
Toyota Motor | Toyota Motor | Aichi | 471-8571 | Japan | System | Transport (PEFC) |
Fuji Electronic | Fuji Electronic | Kanagawa | 210-9530 | Japan | System | Stationary (PAFC) |
Toshiba Fuel Cell Power Systems | Toshiba Fuel Cell Power Systems | Tokyo | 235-0017 | Japan | System | Stationary (PEFC) |
Panasonic | Panasonic | Osaka | 571-8501 | Japan | System | Stationary (PEFC) |
Aisin Seiki | Aisin Seiki | Aichi | 448-8650 | Japan | System | Stationary (SOFC) |
JX Nippon Oil | JX Nippon Oil | Tokyo | 100-8162 | Japan | System | Stationary (SOFC) |
Bloom Energy Japan | Bloom Energy Japan | Tokyo | 105-7303 | Japan | System | Stationary (SOFC) |
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries | Mitsubishi Heavy Industries | Tokyo | 108-8215 | Japan | System | Stationary (SOFC) |
Kyocera | Kyocera | Kyoto | 612-8501 | Japan | Stack | Stationary (SOFC) |
TOTO | TOTO | Fukuoka | 802-8601 | Japan | Stack | Stationary (SOFC) |
NGK Spark Plug | NGK Spark Plug | Nagoya | 467-8525 | Japan | Stack | Stationary (SOFC) |
NGK Insulators | NGK Insulators | Nagoya | 467-8530 | Japan | Stack | Stationary (SOFC) |
Murata Manufacturing | Murata Manufacturing | Kyoto | 617-8555 | Japan | Stack | Stationary (SOFC) |
Sumitomo Precision Products | Sumitomo Precision Products | Hyogo | 660-0891 | Japan | Stack | Stationary (SOFC) |
POSCO Energy | POSCO Energy | Seoul | 135-933 | Korea | Stack/system | Distributed Power/APU for Ship (MCFC) |
Doosan Heavy Industry | Doosan Heavy Industry | Gyeongnam | 137-920 | Korea | Stack/system | Distributed Power (MCFC) |
Fuel Cell Power (part of Doosan) | Fuel Cell Power (part of Doosan) | Gyeonggi | 463-760 | Korea | Stack/system | Building Power (PEFC) |
Hyundai Motors | Hyundai Motors | Seoul | 135-847 | Korea | Stack/system | FCV and bus (PEFC) |
Miura | Miura | Matsuyama | 799-2696 | Japan | System | Stationary (SOFC) |
Ballard (Production) | Ballard (Production) | Tijuana | 22680 | Mexico | System | Backup for telecomm and other uses (PEFC and methanol reformer) |
PowerCell | PowerCell | Göteborg | 418 34 | Sweden | Stack/system | Back-up power, powerpacks and APU for trucks (PEFC and diesel reformer) |
Cellkraft | Cellkraft | Stockholm | 114 19 | Sweden | Stack | Offgrid (PEFC) |
myFC | myFC | Stockholm | 113 59 | Sweden | Stack/system | Portable chargers (PEFC) |
GM, in Pontiac | GM, in Pontiac | Detroit | 33170 | USA | System | FC vehicles (PEFC) |
UltraCell | UltraCell | Livermore | 94551 | USA | System | Portable power (AFC) |
ReliOn Inc | ReliOn Inc | Spokane | 99216 | USA | System | Back-up power (PEFC) |
Doosan Fuel Cell America, Inc. | Doosan Fuel Cell America, Inc. | South Windsor | 06074 | USA | System | Stationary Power generation (PEFC) |
Bloom Energy | Bloom Energy | Sunnyvale | 94089 | USA | System | Stationary Power (SOFC) |
Plug Power | Plug Power | Latham | 12110 | USA | System | Materials handling (PEFC) |
FuelCell Energy | FuelCell Energy | Danbury | 06813 | USA | System | Large stationary power (MCFC) |
RAG Energy Storage GmbH | RAG Energy Storage GmbH | Vienna | 1010 | Austria | Storage | Storage/Power to gas |
GreenHydrogen.dk | GreenHydrogen.dk | Kolding | 6000 | Denmark | System | Alkaline Electrolysis |
3M Deutschland GmbH | 3M Deutschland GmbH | Neuss | 41460 | Germany | Stack (MEA, Catalysts) | |
Ätztechnik Herz GmbH & Co. KG | Ätztechnik Herz GmbH & Co. KG | Epfendorf am Neckar | 78736 | Germany | Stack (BPP) | |
Clariant Produkte (Deutschland GmbH) | Clariant Produkte (Deutschland GmbH) | München | 80333 | Germany | System (reformer catalysts) | |
ElringKlinger AG | ElringKlinger AG | Dettingen/Erms | 72581 | Germany | Stack | |
Gräbener Machinentechnik GmbH | Gräbener Machinentechnik GmbH | Netphen | 57250 | Germany | Stack | |
HAW Hamburg | HAW Hamburg | Hamburg | 20099 | Germany | System | Stationary/transportation |
Haldor Topsoe A/S | Haldor Topsoe A/S | Lyngby | 2800 | Denmark | Components and stack | SOEC - electrolysis |
Ad-venta | Ad-venta | Bourg de Péage | 26300 | France | Components | Storage, FC systems |
AJC | AJC | Annecy le Vieux | 74940 | France | HRS | Transportation |
Areva H2 Gen | Areva H2 Gen | Les Ulis | 91940 | France | Production | PEM Electrolyzer |
Atawey | Atawey | Le Bourget du Lac | 73370 | France | System | Clean and autonomous power supply for off-grid sites and transporation |
CEA | CEA | Grenoble | 38000 | France | Component/stack/system | R&D |
CNRS | CNRS | Paris | 75016 | France | Component/stack/system | R&D |
Hypulsion | Hypulsion | Sassenage | 38360 | France | System | Integrated Fuel cells systems for fork-lift trucks (PEFC) |
Mahytec | Mahytec | Dole | 39100 | France | Storage | Transportation stationary |
McPhy Energy | McPhy Energy | La Motte Fanjas | 26190 | France | Production/Storage | Electrolyzer, stationary storage |
Raigi | Raigi | Rouvray-Saint-Denis | 28310 | France | Storage | Transportation |
Stelia Composites | Stelia Composites | Salaunes | 33160 | France | Storage | Transportation |
WH2 | WH2 | Lyon | 69002 | France | System | Clean and autonomous power supply from green H2 |
Impact Coatings | Impact Coatings | Linköping | 582 16 | Sweden | Material | PVD coatings for fuel cell bipolar plates |
Catator | Catator | Lund | 223 62 | Sweden | Systems | Small independent fuel cells system, ex instance unmanned aircrafts |
Sandvik MT AB | Sandvik MT AB | Sandvik | 811 81 | Sweden | Material | Developer and manufacturer of metallic bipolar plates and interconnectors |
Höanäs AB | Höanäs AB | Höanäs | 263 83 | Sweden | Material | Manufacturer of metallic powders. Developer of interconnector materials for SOFC. |
Swiss Hydrogen SA | Swiss Hydrogen SA | Fribourg | 1700 | Switzerland | PEFC stack/system | Mobility/stationary (UPS) |
CEKAtec | CEKAtec | Wattwil | 9630 | Switzerland | PEFC stack/system | Portable |
Michelin Conception | Michelin Conception | Fribourg | 1762 | Switzerland | PEFC stack/system | Mobility |
HTceramix | HTceramix | Yverdon | 1400 | Switzerland | SOFC | Stationary (CHP) |
Hexis | Hexis | Winterthur | 8404 | Switzerland | SOFC | Stationary (CHP) |
TIMCAL Graphite & Carbon | TIMCAL Graphite & Carbon | Bodio | 6743 | Switzerland | PEFC material | |
Celeroton | Celeroton | Volketswil | 8604 | Switzerland | PEFC BoS | Mobility |
Elbit Energy | Elbit Energy | Haifa | 31053 | Israel | Military | Stationary and Military |
Phinergy | Phinergy | Lod | 7129104 | Israel | Al-Air Fuel Cell | Automotive Fuel Cell |
GenCell | GenCell | Petah-Tikva | 4951025 | Israel | Stationary Fuel Cell and Hydogen Storage | Stationary Fuel Cell |
Enstorage | Enstorage | Yavne | | Israel | Large scale energy storage | Regenerative large scale fuel cell |
Bromine Compounds | Bromine Compounds | Beer Sheba | | Israel | Bromine compounds | Regenerative large scale fuel cell |
SOLIDpower | SOLIDpower | Trento | 38017 | Italy | Stack/System | MicroCHP systems for small households |
Nuvera | Nuvera | Billerica | 01821 | USA | Stations and Fuel Cell stacks | Material handling |