Advanced Fuel Cells


TRL Reports published

The AFC TCP publishes the 2023 TRL (Technology Readiness Level) reports.


The AFC TCP has unveiled its most recent Technology Readiness Level (TRL) reports, shedding light on the current state of emerging technologies in renewable energy, energy storage, and sustainable transportation.

The released reports are now available on the AFC TCP website, offering a comprehensive overview of advancements in various sectors.

The Technology Collaboration Programme on the Research, Development and Demonstration on Advanced Fuel Cells (Advanced Fuel Cells Technology Collaboration Programme, AFC TCP) functions within a framework created by the International Energy Agency (IEA). The activities of the AFC TCP are coordinated by the IEA’s Working Party on Energy End-use Technologies (EUWP). Views, findings and publications of the AFC TCP do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or of its individual member countries.