Information and links
About fuel cells
Fuel cells are a rapidly developing energy conversion technology. Offering higher efficiencies than conventional technologies, they also operate quietly and have a modular construction that is easily scalable. These features mean that fuel cells are attractive for a range of potential applications, including combined heat and power (CHP), distributed power generation and transport.
Fuel cells are electrochemical devices which convert the energy of a chemical reaction directly into electricity, with heat as a by-product. They are similar in principle to primary batteries except that the fuel and oxidant are stored externally, enabling them to continue operating as long as fuel and oxidant (oxygen or air) are supplied.
Stationary fuel cell systems have been installed world-wide and have demonstrated excellent fuel efficiency and reliability. Many believe that the fuel cell engine, comprising a fuel processor, fuel cell stack and power conditioner, will ultimately take the place of the internal combustion engine as the dominant technology for vehicle power trains. Fuel cells are also attracting interest for providing portable power for laptop computers, mobile telephones etc.
Further information on fuel cells and their applications is available from our publications or by following the links:
Status of hydrogen fuel cell electric buses worldwide, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2014.06.055
Fuel Cells for Buses, 2012
Caltech's solar-powered toilet, incorporating fuel cells and hydrogen generation, has won the Reinventing the Toilet Challenge issued by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2012.
IEA Bus report
Back Up Power - During Hurricane Sandy in the USA, fuel cells were instrumental in providing backup power for cell towers and keeping cell phone communications open for many in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
Fuel Cells Techologies Program - The USA's fuel cell program, at the Department of Energy, Office for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
Programme Plans, Roadmaps and Vision Documents
H2USA, California Fuel Cells Partnership
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Manufacturing Cost Analysis of Stationary Fuel Cell Systems by Strategic Analysis Inc (http://www.sainc.com/service/engin.asp) - This report details design and capital cost of stationary fuel cell systems (FCSs), using low temperature (LT) proton exchange membrane (PEM), high temperature (HT) PEM, and solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC).
National Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Learning Demonstration Final Report, 2012
State of the States, Fuel Cells in America 2012 from Fuel Cells 2000
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Interagency Action Plan 2012
http://enefield.eu ene.field will deploy up to 1,000 residential fuel cell Combined Heat and Power (micro-CHP) installations, across 12 key Member States. It represents a step change in the volume of fuel cell micro-CHP (micro FC-CHP) deployment in Europe and a meaningful step towards commercialisation of the technology.
Guidelines on financial incentives for energy-efficient cars' February 2013
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Publication: First interim evaluation of the Fuel cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (EC, 2011)
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen in Finland, 2012
Finnish Fuel Cell Technology Program
Polttokennot-toimialaryhmä - Fuel Cell Finland Industry Group
Partnerskabet for brint og brændselsceller - Danish Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
Danish Micro Combined Heat and Power Project: The project is the first European combined heat and power project to combine the entire fuel cell value chain in one national consortium. The aim is to achieve a more efficient energy supply and a reduction in CO2.
Forschungsprogramm Brennstoffzellen - Swiss Fuel Cells Research Programme
Nationale Organisation Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellentechnologie - National Organisation for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology
National Innovation Programme for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NIP)
Germany's 3rd Energy Policy: Heading towards 2050 with secure, affordable and environmentally sound energy.
Innovative Fuel Cell Technologies from Germany on the Verge of Serial Production - Report from the German Engineering Federation's (VDMA) Working Group on Fuel Cells.
Association Française pour l'Hydrogène et piles à combustible - French Association for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
KETEP: Korean Institute of Energy Technology, Evaluation and Planning; New and Renewable Energy
Swedish Fuel Cells, Branslecell - All reports from the Swedish Fuel Cell Program, financed by the Swedish Energy Agency, Energimyndigheten, can be found on this website.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Technology Roadmap - Based on the New-Energy Vehicles and Equipment Plan outlined in “Made in China 2025” (published by the Chinese government in May 2015), the Strategy Advisory Committee of the Technology Roadmap for Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicles and the Society of AutomotiveEngineers of China (SAE-China) jointly published the EnergySaving and New Energy Vehicle Technology Roadmap, (Chapter 4 of the publication "Made in China 2025) in October 2016.