Advanced Fuel Cells


Task 33 Meeting Vancouver

On April 8th, the 2024 Task 33 Meeting will be held in Canada at ballard premises.

Ballard will organize the meeting and an exciting site visit; Thank you very much to our Ballard colleagues!

The meeting will be hosted by Ballard and NRC as follows:

April 8th meeting at Ballard premises with a technical visit in the afternoon;
April 9th half day in the morning – meeting at NRC.

More info will be shared as soon as we have a draft agenda and details about locations.

For further information please contact Task 33 manager Dr Viviana Cigolotti .

The Technology Collaboration Programme on the Research, Development and Demonstration on Advanced Fuel Cells (Advanced Fuel Cells Technology Collaboration Programme, AFC TCP) functions within a framework created by the International Energy Agency (IEA). The activities of the AFC TCP are coordinated by the IEA’s Working Party on Energy End-use Technologies (EUWP). Views, findings and publications of the AFC TCP do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or of its individual member countries.